Damn it all -- I just tried to prevent myself from using my computer by defragmenting its hard drive, the only problem with that being that, once used to take hours on my older, stupider computer now took only about 10 minutes, tops. Stupid technology. Gonna have to find a better method at some point, 'cause there's a lot of studying that needs to get done today.
I signed up at
Technorati yesterday, which is a site that lets you track references to your site (or to your keywords, or whatever) on the Internet as well as allows you to see which sites are linking to yours. Funnily enough, I apparently have two people (
2) linking here who I've never heard of or talked to before, and it was a little odd to see that my blog is included on their blog templates as a permanent link. So, so strange. Oh well. I guess I'll take that as a compliment...?
Chloe's 20th birthday today.
Happy birthday, Chloe! :)
This Wednesday is the first day of Lent, and like last year, I'm gonna be giving up chocolate in all its forms for 40 days. I do it more for a let's-see-if-I-can reason more for any religious reason (I mean, what better excuse to try something slightly different for a while and feel more
egotistical and haughty accomplished at the end of it?), and the sad part is that I have this huge box of chocolates sitting right in front of me right now. That won't all be finished by Wednesday. That I'm probably gonna have to forfeit to the
wolves family. Sigh. Ah well, a deal's a deal. :)
Off to do that studying now...